Poetry and short stories published in several Dutch and Belgian anthologies and other books.
2021: “Droomkoning” (Dream King), published in educational book for primary school Nieuw Nederlands Junior Lezen Leesboek E4-M5 3 by Noordhoff Uitgevers (NL)
Children’s poem about a child tapping into the power of their mind after being bullied.
2019: “Liefdesbrief” (Love Letter), published in Plint Poëzie- & Beeldende Kunst Agenda 2020 (Plint Poetry & Art Planner 2020) by Plint (NL)
Poem about someone writing a letter, a love declaration, they’re too anxious to post.
2018: “Wereldwens” (World Wish), published in empowering educational book for primary school Krachtbronnen: Kracht van Idealen by Creathlon (NL)
Children’s poem about a child writing a wish on a Chinese sky lantern.

2017: “Draaimolen” (Chair-O-Planes), published in book De Leidse Kermis: een zaak van formaat by 3 October Vereeniging Leiden & De Uiver (NL)
Poem about a ride on a Chair-O-Planes seen through the eyes of a child.
2017: “Droomkoning” (Dream King), published in technical reading book for primary school Flits 3: Leesboek E4-M5 by Noordhoff Uitgevers (NL)
Children’s poem about a child tapping into the power of their mind after being bullied.
2015: “IJstijd” (Ice Age), published in poetry anthology Beeldspraak by ArtBook Uitgevers (NL)
Poem about the now and the past blending during a child’s play with a couple of ice sticks.
2015: “Droomkoning” (Dream King), published in poetry anthology War, Peace and Beauty: Dichten Voor Water II by Stichting Aquarius (NL)
Poem about a child tapping into the power of their mind after being bullied.
2014: “Bloedhart” (Blood Heart), published in short story anthology Fantastisch Strijdtoneel IV by Books of Fantasy (BE)
Fantasy short story about a blacksmith’s helper who tries to woo a bewitching princess with a special gift.
>> Now available in English as part of the ebook Tales of Metamorphosis
2013: “Mierenstoet” (Ant Parade), published in poetry anthology Natuurlijk by ArtBook Uitgevers (NL)
Poem about the fate of a couple of ants.

2013: Zonder titel (Untitled), published in non-fiction book about writing De schrijfbijbel: De beste redacteuren van Nederland over het schrijven van een goed boek by TenPages (NL)
Scene showcasing zoom in, zoom out writing technique.
Winner of the TenPages Writing Bible competition.
2012: “Nachtvlucht” (Night Flight), published in short story anthology Fantastisch Strijdtoneel III by Books of Fantasy (BE)
Fantasy short story about a temple servant who has to protect a secret package with her life.
>> Now available in English as part of the ebook Tales of Metamorphosis
2012: “Droomkoning” (Dream King), published in poetry anthology Geheimen by ArtBook Uitgevers (NL)
Poem about a child tapping into the power of their mind after being bullied.
2nd place in the Hillegom Poetry Competition 2012.
2012: “Schat” (Treasure), published in poetry anthology Geheimen by ArtBook Uitgevers (NL)
Poem about a deceptive childhood memory of finding a treasure in the garden.

2012: “Wereldwens” (World Wish), published in children’s poetry & illustration anthology Querido’s Poëziespektakel 5 by Querido (NL)
Children’s poem about a child writing a wish on a Chinese sky lantern.
2011: “Steenmeisje” (Stone Maiden), published in short story anthology Fantastisch Strijdtoneel II by Books of Fantasy (BE)
Fantasy short story about a craftsman who comes face-to-face with a dangerous harpy who threatens everything he holds dear.
>> Now available in English as part of the ebook Tales of Metamorphosis
2011: “Anti-held” (Antihero), published in children’s poetry & illustration anthology Querido’s Poëziespektakel 4 by Querido (NL)
Children’s poem & illustration about being bullied and how not being a hero is the better choice sometimes.
Judy’s illustration also includes elements from another poet’s poem, printed on the adjacent page and filled with animal metaphors.

2011: “Droomkoning” (Dream King), published in children’s poetry & illustration anthology Querido’s Poëziespektakel 4 by Querido (NL)
Children’s poem about a child tapping into the power of their mind after being bullied.

2010: “Mierenstoet” (Ant Parade), published in children’s poetry & illustration anthology Querido’s Poëziespektakel 3 by Querido (NL)
Children’s poem about the fate of a couple of ants.
2010: “Sorry” (Sorry), published in children’s poetry & illustration anthology Querido’s Poëziespektakel 3 by Querido (NL)
Children’s poem about a little girl who apologizes for a stupid fight.
2007: “Draaimolen” (Chair-O-Planes), published in poetry anthology Nu weer de kermis gloeit met duizend lichten by Nederlands Centrum voor Volkscultuur (NL)
Poem about a ride on a Chair-O-Planes seen through the eyes of a child.