A list of internships, stipends, rankings, prizes, and awards.
2024/2025: Honorable Mentions List Dark Poets Prize II (UK)
Judy’s poem “I Am the Omen” made the Honorable Mention List of the Dark Poets Prize Edition II and has been published in Dark Poets Club online poetry magazine. The British competition received entries from 32 countries around the world.

2024: Top 20% of the Winter 2024 Oxford Flash Fiction Prize (UK)
One of Judy’s literary micro flash fiction stories made the top 20% of the Winter 2024 Oxford Flash Fiction Prize.

2023: Longlist The SmokeLong Grand Micro Competition 2023 (US)
One of Judy’s literary micro flash fiction stories has been longlisted for The SmokeLong Grand Micro Competition 2023 (selected out of almost 1,500 submissions).

2023: Shortlist Bedford International Short Story Award 2022 (UK)
The literary short story “Sacred Arrow” has been shortlisted for the Bedford Writing Competition International Short Story Award 2022 and got published in The Bedford Competition Anthology 2022 (available at Amazon, Kobo, bol.com, and other stores).

2022: Shortlist Oxford Flash Fiction Prize 2022 (UK)
The contemporary literary flash fiction story “A Boy Named Blue” has been shortlisted for the Summer 2022 Oxford Flash Fiction Prize, and got published in the Oxford Flash Fiction anthology May Break Your Bones (available at Amazon, Kobo, and other stores).
2021: Top 1000 De Gedichtenwedstrijd 2021 (NL/BE/LU)
One of Judy’s Dutch poems landed in the Top 1000 (selected out of 7,023 submissions from 1928 different poets) of the De Gedichtenwedstrijd 2021 (The Poetry Competition 2021, the biggest poetry competition of the Benelux).
2020: Longlist Bath Flash Fiction Award 2020 (UK)
The contemporary literary flash fiction story “A Game of Toes” has been longlisted for the October 2020 Bath Flash Fiction Award (longlist of 50 out of 1457 entries from 36 countries), and was published in Restore to Factory Settings: Bath Flash Fiction Volume Five (available at Amazon and Ad Hoc Fiction (UK)).
2014: Top 20 Fantasy Battle Bruges 2014 (BE)
The short fantasy story “Bloedhart” (Blood Heart) placed 20th out of 259 entries in the Belgian Fantasy Battle Bruges 2014 writing competition and was published in the anthology Fantastisch Strijdtoneel IV (Fantastic Battleground IV).

2012: Winner TenPages Writing Bible Competition (NL)
Judy’s zoom in, zoom out writing technique demo scene was one of the five winning entries in the Dutch TenPages Writing Bible competition and was published in the book De schrijfbijbel: De beste redacteuren van Nederland over het schrijven van een goed boek (The Writing Bible: the Best Editors of the Netherlands on Writing a Good Book).
2012: Top 10 Fantasy Battle Bruges 2012 (BE)
The short fantasy story “Nachtvlucht” (Night Flight) placed 8th out of 218 entries in the Belgian Fantasy Battle Bruges 2012 writing competition and was published in the anthology Fantastisch Strijdtoneel III (Fantastic Battleground III).
2012: Top 3 Hillegom Poetry Competition 2012 (NL)
The poem “Droomkoning” (Dream King) placed 2nd out of 452 entries in the Dutch Hillegom Poetry Competition 2012 and was published in the anthology Geheimen (Secrets).
2011: Top 10 Fantasy Battle Bruges 2010/2011 (BE)
The short fantasy story “Steenmeisje” (Stone Maiden) placed 7th out of 277 entries in the Belgian Fantasy Battle Bruges 2010/2011 writing competition and was published in the anthology Fantastisch Strijdtoneel II (Fantastic Battleground II).
2010-2017: 8x Top 1000 Turing Poetry Competition (NL/BE/LU)
During 2010-2017, eight of Judy’s Dutch poems made the Top 1000 (selected annually out of 10,000 to 15,000 submissions) of the Dutch Turing Poetry Competition, the biggest poetry competition of the Benelux.

2009-2012 & 2015: 5x Winner NaNoWriMo (US)
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is a fun worldwide annual writing event during which participants have to write a 50,000-word first draft within a month.
Judy is a five-time NaNoWriMo winner.
2003: Selection Bologna Children’s Book Fair Illustrators Exhibition 2003 (IT/JP)
The illustrations for Judy’s children’s picture book Het huis van Lotte Hanoeman (The House of Lily Hanuman) were selected for the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2013 by BolognaFiere (International Children’s Book Fair Bologna, Italy), the world’s leading annual children’s book publishing event.
The contemporary collage-style illustrations done by children’s book illustrator Willeke de Boer under Judy’s art direction, were exhibited in Italy and Japan and published in the Bologna Annual 2003 – Illustrators of Children’s Books (Fiction).
2002/2003: Start Stipend Mondriaan Fund (NL)
Judy received a start stipend from the Mondriaan Fund (formerly known as The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture) for the development of her creative work and business.
2002: Winner ELLE Poetry Award (NL)
The Dutch poem “King Josh” placed 1st out of 600+ entries in the Dutch ELLE poetry competition “Ik win je met woorden” (I Win You Over With Words) and has been published and reviewed in ELLE magazine.
Lauded poet Tjitske Jansen placed 3rd, famous children’s book author Francine Oomen received an honorable mention.
The judging panel consisted of critically acclaimed poets and authors Ingmar Heytze, Rob Schouten and Aaf Brandt Corstius.
>> Read poem (Dutch)
2000/2001: Internship Ploegsma Publishers, Amsterdam (NL)
Judy interned as a writer, poet and illustrator at Ploegsma, one of the most important children’s book publishers in the Netherlands.
2000: Winner Crystal Hammer Break 21 Festival, Slovenia (SI)
The wordless comic “Püder”, about a rabbit who longs to swim in the ocean but is denied entry, placed 1st in the category “Comics” of Break 21, an international multidisciplinary art festival in Slovenia, and was published in the comic book anthology Break 21.